Despite the impression you might get from reading the news, now really is the best time to be alive, especially if you need to undergo surgery. With advanced technology and methods, surgery now is much safer than it was in the past. In the case of surgeries in which the patient’s nervous system may be affected, advancements such as professional San Antonio neuro monitoring solutions have made operations much safer and the chances for surgical success much higher.

San Antonio Neuro Monitoring

Intraoperative neuro monitoring, also known as IONM, helps to improve the chances for patient success by assessing in real-time the functional status of nervous tissue including eloquent brain regions, spinal column tracts, and peripheral nerve. With intraoperative neuro monitoring, surgical outcomes are improved and the incidences of post-operative neurophysiological deficits are reduced by over 50 percent. There’s no question that patients, surgeons, and hospitals all benefit from professional San Antonio neuro monitoring service.

Learn more today about how San Antonio neuro monitoring solutions improve care and help to save lives. You can learn more about professional intraoperative neuro monitoring solutions and how we at EPIOM are able to help patients, surgeons, and hospitals in San Antonio and surrounding communities when you browse through our EPIOM website, If you have any questions about intraoperative neuro monitoring or the professional solutions we proudly offer, then just give us a call today at 210-367-3949 or you can use the contact form found on our website.