There are incredible challenges we face in the world today, but some very smart people utilizing the latest and greatest technology are helping us to overcome many of those challenges. Such is the case when it comes to surgeries in which the patient’s nervous system may be adversely impacted. Our team at EPIOM is at the vanguard of cutting-edge surgery monitoring solutions which San Antonio hospitals, surgeons, and patients all benefit from.

Surgery Monitoring San Antonio

We at EPIOM have been providing exceptional neuro monitoring solutions for nearly two decades, and we remain at the forefront in the journey to improve the chances of successful procedures involving the patient’s nervous system or those procedures in which the patient’s neural structures may be affected. We work hard, but we also work smart- and our team is made up of the smartest highly educated professionals. We work closely with San Antonio surgeons and hospitals, and will tailor our solutions to meet the needs and challenges of the operations. With us, your surgical team will feel more confident going into and coming out of a difficult operation.

Find reliable surgery monitoring solutions in San Antonio with EPIOM. You can learn more about our professional team and the neuro monitoring solutions we offer by browsing through our EPIOM website, If you have any questions about our professional intraoperative neuro monitoring solutions or how we can assist your surgical team or hospital, then please call us today or you can use our website contact form.