Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (IONM) is a key service that we provide at EPIOM. For nearly 20 years, our team in the San Antonio area has been focused on this crucial area of medicine. Now, we are reaching out to more areas across the country with our IONM services. Here’s a look at what IONM is and how we at EPIOM are making surgeries safer for patients.

San Antonio Neuro Monitoring
IONM is a way to watch over a patient’s brain activity during surgery. This can help doctors understand how the patient’s body is responding and make sure that the important parts of the nervous system are safe.

At EPIOM, we have experts who understand how the brain works. They can watch and listen to the brain’s signals during surgery, using advanced equipment. This helps the doctors make the best choices during the operation.

Our team is made up of top-notch doctors who have studied a lot about the brain and nervous system. They work together with the surgical team to make sure everything goes well. We also use the latest technology to look at the brain from afar. This is called online remote monitoring, and it helps us keep an eye on the patient no matter where they are.

We are proud of what we do at EPIOM. IONM is an important tool that can make surgeries safer. By using this tool, we help doctors make good decisions, and we make sure that patients are in good hands. We believe that what we do helps a lot of people, and we are excited to keep working hard for our patients all over the country. Learn more by visiting