At EPIOM, patient safety is our top priority. That’s why we’re passionate about neuromonitoring and its role in making surgeries safer. Let’s talk about how this important service helps reduce risks during operations that involve the nervous system.

Intraoperative Neuro Monitoring

Neuromonitoring acts like a safety net during surgery. Here’s how it works to keep patients safer:

  • Early Warning System: We watch for any changes in nerve function during surgery. If we spot something concerning, we can alert the surgeon right away. This early warning can help prevent damage before it happens.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Our monitoring provides surgeons with up-to-the-minute information about the patient’s nervous system. This helps them make informed decisions throughout the procedure.
  • Reduced Risk of Nerve Damage: By keeping a close eye on nerve function, we can help surgeons avoid accidentally damaging nerves during complex procedures.
  • Improved Surgical Precision: With the information from neuromonitoring, surgeons can work more precisely, especially in delicate areas near important nerves.
  • Potential for Better Outcomes: By helping to prevent complications, neuromonitoring can lead to better surgical outcomes and faster recovery times for patients.

We use neuromonitoring in many types of surgeries, including operations on the brain, spine, and certain nerves. It’s particularly useful in procedures where there’s a risk of damaging the nervous system.

Our team at EPIOM includes board-certified neurologists who oversee the monitoring process. They work closely with surgeons to ensure the highest level of patient safety. We use advanced equipment and techniques to provide the most accurate and helpful information during surgery.

It’s important to note that while neuromonitoring significantly reduces risks, it can’t eliminate them entirely. However, it’s a powerful tool that has greatly improved the safety of many surgical procedures.

We’ve been providing neuromonitoring services in San Antonio for almost 20 years. During this time, we’ve seen how this technology has helped countless patients have safer surgeries and better outcomes.

If you’re scheduled for a surgery that involves your nervous system, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about neuromonitoring. At EPIOM, we’re always here to answer any questions you might have about this important safety measure.  Contact us today to learn more at: